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English Grammar

Word of Quantity 3

Less / Least -- comparative and superative degree of little / a little

  1. Can be used as adjective to explain uncountable noun.
    • Jim should eat less junk food. He has too much weight now.

  2. Can be used as adverb to explain verb.
    • Jim should eat less. He has too much weight now.
  • 3. Can be used as adverb to explain comparative degree adjective.
    • Jim eat less than Marry but he has more weight.

  • 4. Can be used as pronoun.
    • I hope to see less of you in the future.
    • He does the least of work.

  • 5. Can be used to follow verb to be.
    • Seven is less than nine.

Fewer / Fewest -- comparative and superative degree of few / a few

  1. Can be used as adjective to explain countable noun.
    • Jim should make fewer mistakes to improve his works.


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